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Blog Archive

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Fostering a Healthy Work Environment: Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace Nov 29th, 2023

Fostering a Healthy Work Environment: Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace   In the fast-paced world of modern workplaces, the spotlight on mental health has never been more critical. As organizations strive for productivity and success, the well-being of employees often takes a backseat. However, recognizing the profound impact of...

Exploring Different Therapeutic Approaches for Mental Well-being Nov 28th, 2023

Exploring Different Therapeutic Approaches for Mental Well-being In the vast landscape of mental health care, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual is unique, and so are their experiences, challenges, and paths to recovery. Fortunately, the field of mental health offers a diverse array of therapeutic approaches, each designed to...

Fostering Family Connections for Enhanced Mental Health Nov 21st, 2023

Fostering Family Connections for Enhanced Mental Health   In the fast-paced world we live in today, where technology and social media often take center stage, the importance of family connections cannot be overstated. Beyond the surface-level interactions and daily routines, fostering meaningful relationships within the family plays a pivotal role...

Overcoming Self-Doubt: 10 Powerful Tips for Inner Confidence Nov 20th, 2023

Overcoming Self-Doubt: 10 Powerful Tips for Inner Confidence   Self-doubt is a common adversary that can hinder personal growth and success. It whispers negative thoughts, erodes confidence, and keeps individuals from realizing their full potential. However, with the right mindset and strategies, overcoming self-doubt is not only possible but can...

Mental Health During the Holidays: A Guide to Self-Care to Avoid the Blues Nov 17th, 2023

Mental Health During the Holidays: A Guide to Self-Care to Avoid the Blues   The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for many individuals, it can also be a source of stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Navigating mental health during the holidays is...

Building Resilience: A Journey to Mental Well-Being Nov 15th, 2023

Building Resilience: A Journey to Mental Well-Being   In the intricate tapestry of life, we often find ourselves facing unexpected challenges that can take a toll on our mental health. From personal setbacks to global crises, the human experience is rife with moments that test our emotional fortitude. However, amidst...

Empowering Your Mind: Daily Affirmations Power on Mental Health Nov 14th, 2023

Empowering Your Mind: Daily Affirmations Power on Mental Health   In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of stress, negativity, and self-doubt. The demands of work, relationships, and various responsibilities can take a toll on our mental well-being. However,...

Emotional Health: A Path to Fulfillment Nov 10th, 2023

Emotional Health: A Path to Fulfillment   Emotional health is a fundamental aspect of overall well-being. It plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, influencing our relationships, decision-making, and overall satisfaction. Yet, it's an aspect of health that often takes a backseat to physical well-being. In this blog, we'll...

The Essentials of Cognitive Health Nov 9th, 2023

The Essentials of Cognitive Health   In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of cognitive health. While we diligently care for our physical well-being through exercise and nutrition, the vitality of our minds often takes a back seat. However, just as we...

Mental Health Education: Nurturing Well-being Nov 3rd, 2023

Mental Health Education: Nurturing Well-being   In our fast-paced, interconnected world, where stressors seem to multiply by the day, mental health education is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Just as we prioritize physical health, it's high time we accord the same importance to our mental well-being. In this...

Shining Light on Suicide Prevention Nov 1st, 2023

Shining Light on Suicide Prevention   Suicide is a global crisis that affects individuals, families, and communities. The World Health Organization reports that close to 800,000 people die by suicide each year, making it one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Despite these staggering numbers, suicide prevention efforts remain...

Self-Harm and Mental Health: Breaking through Pain Oct 27th, 2023

Self-Harm and Mental Health: Breaking through Pain   Self-harm is a deeply distressing issue that affects countless individuals around the world. It's a complex and often misunderstood aspect of mental health. In this blog, we'll explore the relationship between self-harm and mental health, shedding light on the underlying causes, coping...

The Impact of Social Media and Technology on Mental Health Oct 24th, 2023

The Impact of Social Media and Technology on Mental Health   In the digital age, social media and technology have become integral parts of our lives, drastically changing the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. While these advancements have brought numerous benefits, they have also raised concerns about their...

Mood Disorders: Traversing the Roller Coaster of Emotions Oct 23rd, 2023

Mood Disorders: Traversing the Roller Coaster of Emotions   Mood disorders are a complex and often misunderstood category of mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person's daily life. These disorders affect not only an individual's emotional well-being but also their cognitive and physical functioning. In this blog, we...

The Mask of Depression: Hidden Struggles Oct 20th, 2023

The Mask of Depression: Hidden Struggles   Depression, often referred to as the "invisible illness," is a condition that plagues millions of people worldwide. Unlike physical ailments that manifest visibly, depression wears a mask, concealing its true nature from the outside world. In this blog, we will delve into the...

Reactivity to Trauma Response and Its Impact on Mental Health Oct 17th, 2023

Reactivity to Trauma Response and Its Impact on Mental Health   Trauma is a word that carries a heavy weight, often associated with harrowing experiences that can leave deep scars on an individual's psyche. The impact of trauma on mental health is a complex and multifaceted issue, with one critical...

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health Oct 16th, 2023

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health   In our fast-paced world, sleep is often sacrificed for the sake of productivity and daily demands. Many individuals boast about how little they sleep, as if it's a badge of honor, but this culture of sleep deprivation can take a toll on...

7 Effective Tips for Managing Anxiety and Finding Peace Oct 13th, 2023

7 Effective Tips for Managing Anxiety and Finding Peace Anxiety is a common and often overwhelming condition that can affect anyone at various points in their lives. It can manifest in different forms, from generalized anxiety to specific phobias or social anxiety. The good news is that there are several...

Healing Hearts: The Journey of Child Loss and Therapy Oct 11th, 2023

Healing Hearts: The Journey of Child Loss and Therapy   Child loss is a devastating experience that no parent should ever have to endure. The pain of losing a child is unparalleled, leaving a void that seems impossible to fill. Coping with this profound loss is an arduous journey, often...

Embracing Hope and Healing on World Mental Health Day 2023 Oct 10th, 2023

Embracing Hope and Healing on World Mental Health Day 2023   World Mental Health Day is a significant occasion that reminds us of the importance of mental well-being. As we commemorate this day in 2023, the global community faces unprecedented challenges that have taken a toll on our mental health....

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day: Nurturing Mental Health and Healing Oct 9th, 2023

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day: Nurturing Mental Health and Healing   Indigenous Peoples' Day, celebrated on the second Monday in October, is a significant occasion for recognizing and honoring the diverse cultures, histories, and contributions of Indigenous peoples across the Americas. Beyond the celebration of heritage, it's essential to delve into...

Self-Care: Nurturing Your Body and Mind Oct 7th, 2023

Self-Care: Nurturing Your Body and Mind   In our fast-paced and often demanding world, it's easy to forget one of the most essential aspects of a fulfilling life: self-care. The concept of self-care goes beyond pampering yourself with occasional spa days or indulging in your favorite treats. It is a...

Family Therapy: Strengthening the Bond Oct 5th, 2023

Family Therapy: Strengthening the Bond   Family, a fundamental unit of society, can be a source of immense support, love, and joy. However, it can also be a breeding ground for conflict, misunderstandings, and strained relationships. Family therapy, often referred to as family counseling or couples therapy, plays a pivotal...

Couples Therapy: Healing Together Oct 4th, 2023

Couples Therapy: Healing Together   Relationships can be the source of immense joy, support, and fulfillment in our lives. However, they can also bring challenges, conflicts, and heartaches that may seem insurmountable. When couples find themselves facing these hurdles, couples therapy can be a beacon of hope, offering a safe...

The Life-Changing Benefits of TMS Therapy Oct 3rd, 2023

The Life-Changing Benefits of TMS Therapy   In the realm of mental health treatment, innovation is constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is one such breakthrough, offering a ray of hope to individuals grappling with treatment-resistant depression and other mental health conditions. This non-invasive...

Major Depressive Disorder: A Closer Look Into Clinical Depression Oct 2nd, 2023

Major Depressive Disorder: A Closer Look Into Clinical Depression   Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), commonly referred to as clinical depression, is a prevalent mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It goes beyond the occasional feelings of sadness or low energy that everyone experiences from time to time....

Breaking Free from Social Anxiety Sep 29th, 2023

Breaking Free from Social Anxiety   Social Anxiety: A Silent Struggle Social anxiety, often referred to as social phobia, is a silent but crippling mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It goes beyond mere shyness and can have a profound impact on one's life, making seemingly ordinary...

Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options Sep 28th, 2023

Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options   Panic disorder is a common and often debilitating mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by sudden and intense episodes of fear or panic, this disorder can significantly disrupt a person's life if left untreated. In this blog post,...

Understanding OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Sep 27th, 2023

Understanding OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder   Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, there are still numerous misconceptions surrounding this disorder. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of OCD, shedding light on its causes, symptoms, and available treatment...

Raising Awareness: Borderline Personality Disorder Sep 26th, 2023

Raising Awareness: Borderline Personality Disorder   Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that often carries a stigma, misconceptions, and misunderstandings. However, it is essential to shed light on this complex disorder, raising awareness and promoting empathy and understanding. In this blog post, we will explore what BPD...

The Link Between Ancestry and Mental Health: Exploring the Genetic and Cultural Dimensions Sep 22nd, 2023

The Link Between Ancestry and Mental Health: Exploring the Genetic and Cultural Dimensions   Mental health is a complex web of factors that affect our well-being, and understanding its roots can be equally intricate. While genetics, environment, and life experiences all play crucial roles, one often overlooked aspect is ancestry....

Suicidal Ideation: Breaking the Silence Sep 21st, 2023

Suicidal Ideation: Breaking the Silence   Suicidal ideation is a deeply distressing and complex mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It's a topic that often remains shrouded in stigma and silence, making it even more crucial to shed light on this critical issue. In this blog, we...

Beck's Depression Scale: Another Valuable Tool for Mental Health Assessment Sep 20th, 2023

Beck's Depression Scale: Another Valuable Tool for Mental Health Assessment   Mental health is an essential component of overall well-being, and identifying and addressing conditions like depression is crucial for individuals' quality of life. One valuable tool in this regard is Beck's Depression Scale, also known as the Beck Depression...

The PHQ-9 Test: A Vital Tool for Assessing Depression Sep 19th, 2023

The PHQ-9 Test: A Vital Tool for Assessing Depression   In the realm of mental health assessment, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) test has emerged as a valuable tool for evaluating and monitoring depression. Developed by medical professionals, the PHQ-9 is a standardized self-assessment questionnaire that aids clinicians in diagnosing...

Self-Harm: A Complex Struggle of Mental Health Sep 18th, 2023

Self-Harm: A Complex Struggle of Mental Health   Self-harm is a deeply complex and often misunderstood behavior, intricately intertwined with mental health issues. It is a silent cry for help, an outward manifestation of inner turmoil, and a topic that deserves our compassion, understanding, and support. In this blog post,...

Strategies for Promoting Teen Mental Health Sep 15th, 2023

Strategies for Promoting Teen Mental Health   Teenagers, often referred to as the "adolescent years," can be a turbulent and transformative period of life. This phase is characterized by numerous physical, emotional, and social changes, making it crucial to address the topic of teen mental health. The mental well-being of...

The Mind Maze: How Overthinking Affects Your Mental Health Sep 14th, 2023

The Mind Maze: How Overthinking Affects Your Mental Health   Overthinking is a common yet often underestimated habit that can significantly impact your mental health. It's like a never-ending maze in your mind, where you get lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, anxieties, and hypothetical scenarios. While occasional contemplation is...

The Chains of a Trauma Bond: Healing and Moving Forward Sep 13th, 2023

The Chains of a Trauma Bond: Healing and Moving Forward   Trauma bonds are intricate and powerful emotional connections that form between individuals who have experienced shared traumatic experiences or intense emotional ups and downs in their relationships. These bonds can be incredibly challenging to break, trapping people in unhealthy...

Unraveling the Versatile Uses of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Sep 12th, 2023

  Unraveling the Versatile Uses of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)   In the ever-evolving landscape of mental health treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) shines as a versatile and evidence-based approach that has revolutionized the way we address a wide array of psychological challenges. CBT is a powerful psychotherapeutic technique that...

September 11th: A Day of Collective Grief and Resilience Sep 11th, 2023

September 11th: A Day of Collective Grief and Resilience   September 11th, a date etched into the collective memory of the world, carries a weight of grief that transcends borders and cultures. The tragic events of that fateful day in 2001 shook the very foundations of our existence. In this...

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Sep 8th, 2023

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)   In a world that often celebrates culinary diversity and adventurous eating, it can be challenging to understand why some individuals have a profoundly restricted diet. Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is one such eating disorder that remains largely misunderstood and overlooked. In this blog,...

Binge Eating Disorder Sep 7th, 2023

Binge Eating Disorder   Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a serious mental health condition characterized by recurrent episodes of uncontrollable eating, often in large quantities. It can be accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and distress. While many people associate binge eating with overindulgence during holidays or celebrations, BED is...

Unmasking Bulimia: Understanding, Symptoms, and Recovery Sep 6th, 2023

Unmasking Bulimia: Understanding, Symptoms, and Recovery   Bulimia nervosa, often referred to simply as bulimia, is a complex and serious mental health disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Despite its prevalence, there is still a significant lack of awareness and understanding surrounding this condition. In this blog, we will...

Anorexia: A Closer Look at This Complex Eating Disorder Sep 5th, 2023

Anorexia: A Closer Look at This Complex Eating Disorder   Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to as anorexia, is a debilitating eating disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a complex condition characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, leading to extreme food restriction, distorted body image, and...

Exploring the Power of DBT Therapy Sep 1st, 2023

Exploring the Power of DBT Therapy   In a world where emotional struggles have become increasingly prevalent, finding effective therapeutic approaches is essential. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering individuals a path to understanding and managing their emotions, relationships, and overall well-being. Developed by...

7 Effective Anxiety Hacks: Tricks and Tips for Finding Calm Aug 31st, 2023

7 Effective Anxiety Hacks: Tricks and Tips for Finding Calm   In today's fast-paced world, anxiety has become an all-too-familiar companion for many. From the pressures of work and personal relationships to the constant barrage of information through technology, it's no wonder that anxiety levels are on the rise. But...

TMS Therapy vs. Traditional Therapy: Exploring Two Paths to Healing Aug 30th, 2023

TMS Therapy vs. Traditional Therapy: Exploring Two Paths to Healing   In the realm of mental health treatment, the past few decades have witnessed remarkable advancements. Two notable approaches that have gained attention are Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy and traditional talk therapy. While both aim to alleviate mental health...

The Powerful Link Between Friendship and Mental Health Aug 29th, 2023

The Powerful Link Between Friendship and Mental Health   In the intricate tapestry of life, friendships are threads that weave together moments of joy, support, and understanding. Beyond the laughter and shared experiences, friendships play a profound role in shaping our mental health. They act as a safety net, a...

Unraveling Anxiety Symptoms: the Mental Health Maze Aug 28th, 2023

Unraveling Anxiety Symptoms: the Mental Health Maze   In a world that thrives on constant motion and relentless demands, it's no surprise that anxiety has become an unwelcome companion for many. Anxiety is a natural response to stress, a biological mechanism that alerts us to potential threats and helps us...

Understanding Suicidal Ideation and Prioritizing Mental Health Aug 23rd, 2023

Understanding Suicidal Ideation and Prioritizing Mental Health   Mental health is an intricate aspect of our well-being, often overlooked in the fast-paced world we live in. One of the most concerning manifestations of mental distress is suicidal ideation, a complex and delicate topic that warrants open conversation and empathetic understanding....

Eroding the Stigma: Major Depressive Disorder Aug 22nd, 2023

Eroding the Stigma: Major Depressive Disorder   Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), commonly referred to as depression, is a complex and debilitating mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities, MDD has far-reaching effects on an...

Hidden From Sight: Chronic Pain and Mental Health Aug 21st, 2023

Hidden From Sight: Chronic Pain and Mental Health   Chronic pain is an often invisible but pervasive condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Beyond the physical discomfort, it can have profound implications for mental health. The intricate interplay between chronic pain and mental well-being creates a cycle that requires...

Unraveling the Threads of Stress and Anxiety: Navigating the Path to Inner Peace Aug 18th, 2023

Unraveling the Threads of Stress and Anxiety: Navigating the Path to Inner Peace In the fast-paced world we inhabit, stress and anxiety have become unwelcome companions for many. These emotions, while seemingly interwoven, are distinct experiences that can significantly impact our mental and physical well-being. Understanding their roots, effects, and...

Talk Therapy and Goal Setting Aug 17th, 2023

Talk Therapy and Goal Setting   In today's fast-paced world, where stress and mental health issues have become increasingly prevalent, talk therapy has emerged as a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. Complemented by the practice of goal setting, talk therapy offers individuals a holistic approach to improving their...

The Transformative Power of the Great Outdoors on Mental Health Aug 16th, 2023

The Transformative Power of the Great Outdoors on Mental Health   In our modern, fast-paced lives, it's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily routines, technology, and urban landscapes. However, a growing body of research underscores the profound impact that spending time outdoors...

Teena and Mental Health: A Compassionate Approach Aug 15th, 2023

Teena and Mental Health: A Compassionate Approach   Adolescence is a crucial phase of life marked by rapid physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. While this period is rich with opportunities for growth and self-discovery, it also presents unique challenges to teen mental health. Today, more than ever, addressing the mental...

The Unseen Wounds: The Deep Connection Between Bullying and Mental Health Aug 14th, 2023

The Unseen Wounds: The Deep Connection Between Bullying and Mental Health   Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across all age groups and walks of life. It's not limited to physical harm; its impact often extends to psychological and emotional realms, giving rise to a host of mental...

The Ripple Effect: How Worry Takes a Toll on Mental Health Aug 11th, 2023

The Ripple Effect: How Worry Takes a Toll on Mental Health   In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, worry has become a constant companion for many individuals. Whether it's about finances, relationships, health, or the uncertainties of the future, worry has a way of creeping into our...

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Mental Health Aug 10th, 2023

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Mental Health   As the seasons change, so too can our mental and emotional well-being. Just as nature undergoes cycles of transformation, our inner landscapes can also experience shifts in response to the changing environment. Understanding the connection between mental health and seasonal changes...

The Far-Reaching Mental Health Effects of Divorce on Children: The Importance of Support Systems Aug 9th, 2023

The Far-Reaching Mental Health Effects of Divorce on Children: The Importance of Support Systems   Divorce, a profound life-altering event, can have far-reaching consequences for all parties involved. Amidst the turmoil that surrounds the dissolution of a marriage, it is often the children who bear a significant brunt of its...

Understanding and Addressing Kids' Anxiety Aug 8th, 2023

Understanding and Addressing Kids' Anxiety   In today's fast-paced and often overwhelming world, anxiety has become a common concern not only for adults but also for children. Kids, too, experience anxiety due to various factors like academic pressures, social interactions, and personal challenges. As parents, caregivers, and educators, it's crucial...

Understanding Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD): A Closer Look Aug 7th, 2023

Understanding Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD): A Closer Look   In the realm of child and adolescent behavioral disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) stands out as a complex and often misunderstood condition. Characterized by a persistent pattern of negative, defiant, and hostile behavior towards authority figures, ODD can pose significant challenges...

Bipolar Disorder: The Path to Understanding and Healing Aug 4th, 2023

Bipolar Disorder: The Path to Understanding and Healing   Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a mental health condition that affects millions of individuals around the world. Characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy levels, and activity levels, bipolar disorder can significantly impact a person's daily life, relationships,...

The Depths of Loss and Mental Health Aug 3rd, 2023

The Depths of Loss and Mental Health   Life is a complex tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow, triumphs and tribulations. At times, we find ourselves facing the inevitable—loss. Whether it's the passing of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a career setback, or any other...

Understanding Narcissism: Unraveling the Complex Personality Trait Aug 2nd, 2023

Understanding Narcissism: Unraveling the Complex Personality Trait   Narcissism is a personality trait that has garnered significant attention in recent years. Often associated with self-centeredness, arrogance, and a lack of empathy, narcissism can manifest in various degrees and impact both the individual and those around them. In this blog, we...

The Power of Positive Self-Talk in Promoting Mental Health Aug 1st, 2023

The Power of Positive Self-Talk in Promoting Mental Health   In the realm of mental health, self-talk plays a crucial role in shaping one's well-being and outlook on life. The internal dialogue we have with ourselves can either bolster our mental resilience or become a barrier to achieving a positive...

The Healing Power of Art and Therapy Jul 31st, 2023

The Healing Power of Art and Therapy   Art has been an integral part of human expression and communication for thousands of years. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, art holds the power to heal and transform lives. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating realm of art therapy, exploring how...

Couples Therapy: Nurturing Love and Connection Jul 28th, 2023

Couples Therapy: Nurturing Love and Connection Love is a beautiful and complex emotion that brings joy, fulfillment, and meaning to our lives. However, as any couple will attest, navigating a romantic relationship isn't always smooth sailing. Challenges, conflicts, and misunderstandings can arise, putting strains on the once seemingly perfect bond....

Transformative Talk Therapy: Unraveling the Healing Power of Conversation Jul 27th, 2023

Transformative Talk Therapy: Unraveling the Healing Power of Conversation   In a world often dominated by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mental health has become an integral aspect of overall well-being. As the importance of mental health gains recognition, talk therapy emerges as a potent and transformative tool...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A Path to Mental Well-Being Jul 26th, 2023

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A Path to Mental Well-Being   In the realm of mental health, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands out as a widely recognized and effective therapeutic approach. Developed in the 1960s by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, CBT focuses on identifying and altering thought patterns and behaviors that...

Breaking Barriers and Fostering Healing: Racial Challenges and Mental Health Jul 25th, 2023

Breaking Barriers and Fostering Healing: Racial Challenges and Mental Health   Mental health is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human well-being that affects people from all walks of life. However, when we consider the intersectionality of mental health and race, we begin to understand the unique challenges faced by...

TMS for Depression: Illuminating the Path to Hope and Healing Jul 24th, 2023

TMS for Depression: Illuminating the Path to Hope and Healing Depression, often referred to as the "silent epidemic" of the modern age, affects millions of people worldwide. Despite advancements in therapy and medication, some individuals may still struggle to find relief from their depressive symptoms. However, there is a ray...

Preparing Kids for a Successful Return to School Jul 21st, 2023

Preparing Kids for a Successful Return to School The new school year brings with it a mix of excitement and anxiety for both children and parents. As we navigate the post-pandemic world, it is essential to prioritize the mental health of our young ones. The abrupt shift to remote learning...

The Therapeutic Bond: The Healing Connection Between Mental Health and Animals Jul 20th, 2023

The Therapeutic Bond: The Healing Connection Between Mental Health and Animals   Mental health is a vital aspect of our overall well-being, and the pursuit of effective therapeutic interventions is ongoing. Amidst the plethora of treatment options, a heartwarming and often overlooked approach is the relationship between humans and animals....

Nurturing Childrens' Mental Health During Summer Break Jul 19th, 2023

Nurturing Childrens' Mental Health During Summer Break Summer break is a time eagerly awaited by children as it offers a much-needed respite from academic pressures and a chance to explore the world around them. However, for some children, this extended break may bring about unexpected challenges that can impact their...

Unraveling the Complexities of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Jul 18th, 2023

Unraveling the Complexities of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition that affects individuals who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events. It can manifest in various ways and significantly impact a person's daily life. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of PTSD, exploring...

Grief and Mental Health: Finding Healing and Resilience Jul 17th, 2023

Grief and Mental Health: Finding Healing and Resilience Grief is an inevitable part of the human experience, often arising from the loss of a loved one, a significant life change, or a shattered dream. It can profoundly impact our mental health, leaving us vulnerable to a range of emotions and...

Embracing Religious Diversity in the Family: Fostering Mental Well-being and Unity Jul 7th, 2023

Embracing Religious Diversity in the Family: Fostering Mental Well-being and Unity Religious beliefs and practices hold significant importance in many individuals' lives, shaping their values, behaviors, and overall worldview. However, when family members hold different religious beliefs, it can introduce unique challenges that may affect the family dynamic and individual...

The Devastating Effects of Narcissism on the Abused Jul 6th, 2023

The Devastating Effects of Narcissism on the Abused Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. While we often discuss the traits and behaviors of narcissists, it is crucial to shed light on the profound impact narcissism...

The Impact of Narcissism on Mental Health: The Paradoxical Connection Jul 5th, 2023

The Impact of Narcissism on Mental Health: The Paradoxical Connection In today's society, narcissism has become a prevalent topic of discussion. While it is often associated with excessive self-love and confidence, its effects on mental health can be far-reaching and detrimental. This blog aims to explore the intricate relationship between...

Celebrations and Mental Health: Nurturing Well-being in Festive Moments Jul 4th, 2023

Celebrations and Mental Health: Nurturing Well-being in Festive Moments Celebrations bring joy, excitement, and a sense of togetherness. Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or special milestone, these occasions provide opportunities to connect with loved ones and create lasting memories. However, amidst the festivities, it's crucial to acknowledge the impact celebrations...

Psychiatrist vs Psychologist: Understanding the Differences and Roles in Mental Health Care Jul 3rd, 2023

Psychiatrist vs Psychologist: Understanding the Differences and Roles in Mental Health Care When seeking mental health support, individuals may encounter various professionals, including psychiatrists and psychologists. While their titles might seem similar, it is essential to understand the differences in their roles, training, and treatment approaches. This blog aims to...

Understanding the Complex Relationship between Autism and Mental Health Jun 30th, 2023

Understanding the Complex Relationship between Autism and Mental Health Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in social interaction and communication, affects millions of individuals worldwide. While autism is primarily known for its social and behavioral aspects, it is crucial to recognize the significant impact it can have on mental...

The Profound Connection: How Mental Health Impacts Physical Well-being Jun 29th, 2023

The Profound Connection: How Mental Health Impacts Physical Well-being Physical health and mental health are intricately intertwined, with each having a profound impact on the other. Our mental well-being plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal physical health. Overlooking the connection between the two can lead to detrimental consequences for...

The Devastating Effects of Alcoholism on Mental Health Jun 28th, 2023

The Devastating Effects of Alcoholism on Mental Health Alcoholism, a chronic and progressive disorder, not only wreaks havoc on the physical health of individuals but also takes a significant toll on their mental well-being. The damaging effects of alcohol on the brain can lead to a range of mental health...

Nurturing Self-Acceptance and Well-being: Coming Out and LGBTQ+ Mental Health Jun 27th, 2023

Nurturing Self-Acceptance and Well-being: Coming Out and LGBTQ+ Mental Health Coming out is an intricate and transformative journey for individuals within the LGBTQ+ community. It is a personal process that often involves grappling with fear, uncertainty, and the desire for acceptance. The impact of coming out on mental health cannot...

TMS Therapy: A Breakthrough in Mental Health with FDA Approval Jun 26th, 2023

TMS Therapy: A Breakthrough in Mental Health with FDA Approval In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in the field of mental health treatment with the introduction of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy. This non-invasive and FDA-approved procedure offers hope to individuals suffering from depression and other mental...

Recognizing Children with Mental Health Needs: The Importance of Early Intervention Jun 23rd, 2023

Recognizing Children with Mental Health Needs: The Importance of Early Intervention Mental health is an integral aspect of a child's overall well-being. Unfortunately, many children struggle with mental health issues, often going unnoticed or overlooked. As caregivers, educators, and society, it is crucial to recognize and address these needs early...

Unveiling the Path to Stability: Bipolar Disorder Therapy Jun 22nd, 2023

Unveiling the Path to Stability: Bipolar Disorder Therapy Living with bipolar disorder can be a daunting and challenging journey. This mental health condition is characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging from manic highs to depressive lows. Fortunately, there is hope for individuals with bipolar disorder through effective therapeutic interventions. In...

Prioritizing Mental Health for a Productive Workforce Jun 21st, 2023

Prioritizing Mental Health for a Productive Workforce In today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, stress has become an all-too-common companion for many employees. The pressure to meet deadlines, exceed expectations, and balance work-life responsibilities can take a toll on mental well-being. It's crucial for both employers and employees to recognize...

Baby Blues: Starting the Emotional Rollercoaster of Motherhood Jun 19th, 2023

Baby Blues: Starting the Emotional Rollercoaster of Motherhood Becoming a mother is a life-altering experience filled with joy, excitement, and unconditional love. However, it is also common for new mothers to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, mood swings, and anxiety. These feelings, often referred to as the baby...

Navigating the Sandwich Generation: Mental Health Challenges and Resilience Jun 16th, 2023

The Sandwich Generation: Mental Health Challenges and Resilience The term "Sandwich Generation" refers to individuals who find themselves caring for aging parents while simultaneously raising their own children. This unique generational position often comes with increased responsibilities, time constraints, financial pressures, and emotional burdens. In the midst of managing the...

The Power of Family Support for LGBTQ+ Mental Health Jun 15th, 2023

The Power of Family Support for LGBTQ+ Mental Health In recent years, society has made significant progress in recognizing and accepting the rights and identities of the LGBTQ+ community. However, despite these advancements, individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer still face unique challenges, including mental health...

The Crucial Importance of LGBTQ+ Mental Health Therapy Options Jun 14th, 2023

The Crucial Importance of LGBTQ+ Mental Health Therapy Options The mental health and well-being of individuals within the LGBTQ+ community are paramount, as they often face unique challenges and experiences that can impact their emotional and psychological well-being. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance...

Navigating Post-COVID Mental Health Challenges in the USA Jun 13th, 2023

Navigating Post-COVID Mental Health Challenges in the USA The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on people's lives across the globe, including in the United States. While the physical health consequences of the virus have been widely discussed, the pandemic has also taken a toll on mental health. As...

The Powerful Connection Between Mental Health and Exercise Jun 12th, 2023

The Powerful Connection Between Mental Health and Exercise Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, yet it often goes overlooked or misunderstood. Fortunately, there is a growing body of evidence that highlights the significant impact of exercise on mental health. Regular physical activity can be a powerful tool...

The Silent Battle: Shedding Light on Student Athletes and Mental Health Jun 8th, 2023

The Silent Battle: Shedding Light on Student Athletes and Mental Health In the competitive world of student athletics, the spotlight often shines brightly on physical prowess and athletic achievements. However, behind the scenes, there is a silent battle being fought by student athletes – one that relates to their mental...

The Revolutionary FDA-Approved TMS Therapy: Unlocking New Horizons in Mental Health Treatment Jun 7th, 2023

The Revolutionary FDA-Approved TMS Therapy: Unlocking New Horizons in Mental Health Treatment In recent years, significant advancements have been made in the field of mental health treatment. One of the groundbreaking treatments that has emerged is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy. This non-invasive procedure has gained FDA approval and is...

Pride Month: Celebrating Diversity and Promoting Mental Health Awareness Jun 6th, 2023

Pride Month: Celebrating Diversity and Promoting Mental Health Awareness Pride Month is an annual celebration that honors the LGBTQ+ community and their achievements while promoting equality and acceptance worldwide. In recent years, the focus has expanded beyond celebrating diversity to include discussions on mental health within the community. This blog...

Navigating College Blues: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Support Jun 5th, 2023

College is often hailed as a transformative and exciting chapter in one's life, filled with opportunities for personal growth and academic success. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that this phase can also bring about unique challenges and emotional hurdles, commonly known as "college blues." In this blog, we will explore...

What is TMS and how is it related to major depressive disorder? May 19th, 2023

1. What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the nerve cells in the brain. This can help improve the symptoms of major depression by promoting the creation of new circuits in the brain. It has been proven to be...

Benefits of Virtual Therapy or Telehealth May 5th, 2023

Virtual therapy, also known as teletherapy or online therapy, has become increasingly popular in recent years. With the advent of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are turning to virtual therapy as a means of receiving mental health treatment. While traditional in-person therapy is still widely practiced,...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month May 4th, 2023

Mental health awareness month is observed every year in May, with the goal of raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health issues. The month-long observance is an opportunity to educate the public about the importance of mental health, promote prevention and early intervention, and advocate for policies that support...

Depression Doesn't Have to Last! Apr 28th, 2023

Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. Depression can also cause physical symptoms, such as fatigue, changes in appetite, and difficulty sleeping. If left untreated, depression can have serious consequences,...

How Parents Make a Difference in Their Child's Mental Health Apr 27th, 2023

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. And when your child is going through a tough time, it’s natural to want to do everything in your power to help them. One effective way to support your child is through counseling. Your involvement in your child’s counseling can...

Neurofeedback: Good Treatment for a Variety of Conditions Apr 26th, 2023

Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback or neurotherapy, is a non-invasive technique that uses real-time displays of brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain function. It is a type of biofeedback that provides information about brainwave patterns and allows individuals to learn how to modify these patterns to improve their...

An Effective Anxiety Treatment: Counseling Apr 25th, 2023

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can manifest itself in many different ways, from physical symptoms such as heart palpitations and difficulty breathing, to psychological symptoms such as excessive worry and fear. While medication can be helpful in treating anxiety, counseling...

Group Therapy: Benefits for All Apr 24th, 2023

Group therapy is a type of psychotherapy where a small group of people meets regularly to discuss their personal struggles and work towards their mental and emotional well-being. It has become a popular option for those seeking therapy because it offers many benefits that traditional one-on-one therapy may not. One...

Exploring the Increasing Popularity of TMS Therapy for Mental Health Disorders Apr 22nd, 2023

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive technique that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. It has been gaining popularity in recent years as a treatment for depression and other mental health disorders. TMS therapy is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness and lack of...

What Are Triple-P Parenting Classes? Apr 21st, 2023

Triple P, or the Positive Parenting Program, is a parenting approach that aims to promote positive relationships between parents and their children, and to prevent and manage common behavioral and emotional problems in children. Triple P offers a range of parenting classes and resources that are evidence-based, practical, and accessible...

The History and Progression of TMS Therapy Apr 20th, 2023

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure used to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. The therapy uses magnetic fields to induce small electric currents in specific areas of the brain. TMS therapy has been used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive...

Types of Techniques Used for Mental Health Counseling Apr 19th, 2023

Mental health counseling is a form of therapy that aims to improve the psychological well-being of an individual by addressing their emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns. It can help people manage a variety of conditions such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and addiction, among others. There are several types of...

TMS Therapy Effecacy on Depression Apr 18th, 2023

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive treatment for depression that uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas of the brain. TMS has become an increasingly popular treatment option for patients who have not responded to traditional treatments such as medication and therapy. Over the years, there have been...

How Effective is IOP for Substance Abuse? Apr 17th, 2023

Substance abuse can be a devastating and life-altering condition that affects not only the person who is struggling with addiction but also their loved ones. Addiction is a complex condition that can be caused by a range of factors, including genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. It is essential to seek...

What is a Mental Health IOP? Apr 16th, 2023

Mental health is an integral part of our overall well-being, and just like physical health, it requires attention and care. Unfortunately, many adults experience mental health challenges, and without proper care, these challenges can negatively impact their lives. One effective treatment option for adults with mental health challenges is intensive...

Mental Health Challenges Facing Teens Post-Covid Mar 6th, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone, but especially for teenagers who have faced unprecedented disruptions to their education, social life and mental well-being. Many teens have reported feeling isolated, depressed, anxious and stressed as they cope with the uncertainty and loss caused by the virus. In...

How to Manage Anger Issues with Therapy Mar 3rd, 2023

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, when anger becomes too intense, frequent or destructive, it can cause problems in your relationships, work and health. If you struggle with anger issues, you may benefit from therapy. Therapy can help you understand the...

The benefits of an Intensive Outpatient Program Feb 26th, 2023

Substance abuse is a complex issue that affects many individuals and their loved ones. When someone decides to seek treatment for their substance abuse, there are many options available, including residential treatment, outpatient treatment, and intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). In this blog, we will explore the benefits of an intensive...

Strategies for Success is on the Move!!! Jan 12th, 2022

We are very pleased to be able to continue to be a premier resource to the South East Valley Community for Counseling and Wellness services.  Our South Chandler office has moved to a more central location to be able to better serve the Chandler community. We are now located at...

Self-Care During Covid-19 Part 2. Apr 15th, 2020

It’s OK to be a little Bit Selfish In today’s world, it is so hard to escape reality. I’ve been trying really hard to not watch the news, as I am much more sensitive to visuals knowing I will be sitting with someone in crisis, listening to their story and...

Self-Care During Covid-19 Apr 9th, 2020

During this Covid19 Pandemic, we are all experiencing added stressors, making life even more challenging. Working around trying to juggle work and home, attempting to levy worries about the future with mindfulness of this day, take care of our mental health and physical health with restrictions and changes to our...

A Guide On How To Deal with Coronavirus (COVID-19) Apr 2nd, 2020

Now that we are all learning to live with our “new normal,” with the Covid-19, it is so important to take this time to self-reflect. Ask yourself, “how am I doing?” and make sure to take notice and act when your stress level is beyond where it should be. Many...

Tele-psychiatry now available at Strategies for Success! Oct 10th, 2016

We at Strategies for Success are excited to announce our new Tele-psychiatry program. Medication evaluations and medication management is available from our Chandler Office via video conferencing with highly qualified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners. Call today to schedule! (480)252-5152, or email us, at appointment@saptherapist.com. Book An Appointment

Our Thoughts of Care and Concern go to the Victims of Today’s Terror in San Bernardino Dec 3rd, 2015

When witnessing an event with as much magnitude as on the news today as the terror attack in San Bernardino, CA, its time to stop what you are doing. PERIOD! Take a mental break, take a self assessment, drink some tea, well, you get the idea, no? Next, determine either...

New Counselor Starts in March Mar 2nd, 2015

Strategies for Success is excited to welcome Regina Robison to the practice starting March 23, 2015. Regina’s strengths as a clinician include being compassionate, non-judgmental, and utilizes a strengths-based approach to care. She believes it is important to look at each individual as a whole, taking into account each person’s...

Listen to SFS’s Elizabeth Rahamim on Pulse Radio! Sep 19th, 2014

Our own Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP, was recently interviewed on Pulse Radio! Click this link to listen! If you or a friend/family member needs the assistance of a licensed counselor or psychiatrist, we offer quality over-the-phone and in person sessions to help fit any personal needs. Book An Appointment

New Events Happening at Strategies For Success-Reserve your Spot Now! Jun 5th, 2014

Women’s Connect Group Saturdays 1:00PM Women’s Connect Group—Forming Now! Do you ever feel overwhelmed, lonely or worried and have no one to just VENT to? Does everyone you tell just want to give you advice, but won’t just listen??? Join Professional Facilitator Linda Davis, LPC, for a private, safe place...

Understanding The Nurtured Heart Approach Jun 4th, 2014

By Janine Stanley, Licensed Professional Counselor I have been asked several times to explain this “Nurtured Heart Approach” by many friends, co-workers, parents and clients. I often struggle to find my own words at times because it is represented in a visual image for me. Imagine having the land to...

Be Here Now Jan 5th, 2014

by Suzanne Northey, M.S. LMFT at Strategies for Success, Chandler location Are you looking for a way to increase your joy? Do you want to learn to have greater appreciation for the people in your life? Do you feel stuck in certain circumstances and can’t seem to find a way to move...

What does a Nurse Practitioner Do? Dec 9th, 2013

by Faith M. Zunner, RN, MSN, PMHNP-BC at the Strategies for Success Scottsdale Location Chances are that by this time either you or a loved one have received health care from a nurse practitioner. Many work in doctor’s offices, although nurse practitioners can also be found in any location where health...

Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid Dec 6th, 2013

by Amy Morin Article from www.forbes.com For all the time executives spend concerned about physical strength and health, when it comes down to it, mental strength can mean even more. Particularly for entrepreneurs, numerous articles talk about critical characteristics of mental strength—tenacity, “grit,” optimism, and an unfailing ability as Forbes contributor David Williams says, to “fail...

Living With Chronic Illness Builds Courage Dec 4th, 2013

by Pauline Salvucci Article from www.healingwell.com The challenge of living with chronic illness isn’t always apparent when you’re first diagnosed. This is just the beginning. It takes time to understand your illness, the treatment options available, and how living with illness will affect your life and the lives of your partner...

Improving Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence, Part 2 Dec 2nd, 2013

by Jennifer Menichello, LPC at Strategies for Success in Chandler, AZ Last month, I suggested some things you can try on your own or with the help of your therapist to help you feel better about yourself. Here are some more tips to increase your self-esteem/self-confidence: – Take an inventory...

The Holidays, Children And Divorce – 5 Things To Do And 5 Things Not To Do During The Holidays Nov 29th, 2013

Written by First Wives World Article from www.firstwivesworld.com A journalist recently interviewed me to discuss the most important things to keep in mind during the holidays after divorce if you have children, and the following suggestions were my recommendations: 5 Things to Do: Be sensitive to the fact that your children are looking...

8 Tips for Surviving Depression and Anxiety During the Holidays Nov 27th, 2013

by Carol W. Berman, M.D., Assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, NYU Medical Center Article from The Huffington Post Ah, the holidays! Most people feel a sense of anticipation and joy as we approach the holidays. Time for family gatherings and other fun activities. However, a considerable number of people, including those people in...

Pet Project Nov 25th, 2013

by Suzanne Northey, M.S. LMFT at Strategies for Success in Chandler, Arizona Do you ever feel unappreciated or unsupported? Do you ever get lonely or bored? Do you have difficulty talking yourself into getting off the couch to go outside and enjoy some physical activity? Do you want to find...

What is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner? Nov 21st, 2013

by Tracy Schelle, Psy NP at Strategies for Success in Chandler, Arizona A psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) is an advanced practice nurse who has an extended scope of practice in psychiatry. A PMHNP has either a Master of Science in Nursing or a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree....

Improving Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence, Part 1 Nov 12th, 2013

By Jennifer Menichello LPC, Strategies for Success Healthy self-esteem will help you feel good about yourself and push you to accomplish your goals. Self-esteem is the capacity to feel good about yourself in all situations, even when you don’t necessarily make good decisions. It is important to recognize that what you did might...

Yes, Anxiety can be Treatable Sep 23rd, 2013

by Tracy Schelle, Psy NP, Strategies for Success Anxiety is a feeling everyone experiences. People with excessive anxiety often fear they do not have the ability to cope with stressful situations and may experience chronic worry. Physical symptoms of anxiety may include: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, restlessness, muscle tension, nausea, and...

Research Reveals How Kids Learn From ‘Sex-Saturated’ Online Culture Aug 20th, 2013

by Kurt Wagner Article and Image from Mashable Is YouTube America’s new sex-ed teacher? It’s starting to look that way. New research from author and clinical psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair has found many teens are turning to Internet videos to educate themselves on topics relating to sexual health, including sexuality, dating, and gender stereotypes....

50 Best Back-to-School Articles for Parents Jul 23rd, 2013

by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD Article from www.rootsofaction.com In addition to getting your student ready, back-to-school is also a time when most parents revisit strategies that help support their children during the academic year. What’s your parenting mindset at back-to-school time, or anytime? As a writer and researcher with a passion for positive...

Feel Like a Good or Bad Parent? How To Be a “Good Enough Parent” May 31st, 2013

by Janet Lehman, MSW Article from: www.empoweringparents.com Dear Parents, As the year draws to a close, I wanted to reach out and invite you to talk about something we often don’t bring up with others—the hard times we all experience as parents. The moments when you were at the end of your rope, when...

Simple Keys to Effective Communication May 27th, 2013

How to be a great communicator. Published on July 26, 2011 by Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D. in Think Well Article from: www.psychologytoday.com Everyone communicates in one way or another, but very few people have mastered the skill of truly effective communication. Breakdowns in communication occur all too often and usually lead to a wide...

Living Through and Surviving Traumatic Events May 21st, 2013

by Kirsti A. Dyer MD, MS, FAAETS, FACW, NCBF, CW Article from www.medicalwellnessassociation.com Suffering breaks our world.Like a tree struck by lightening —splintered, shaken, denudedOur world is broken by suffering, and we will never be the same again. …Nathan Kollar In just the past few months, we have witnessed two major hurricanes...

9 Simple Chores Your Preschooler Could Be Doing Right Now May 17th, 2013

by Adriana Velez Article from: www.thestir.cafemom.com Got a lazy kid? Of course you don’t! Kids are NEVER lazy. Har har. Everyone seems to have a different opinion about how much responsibility kids should have, and at what age. I remember being surprised to learn a friend of mine had already taught her 3-year-old...

Aurora Behavioral Health Care in Tempe May 14th, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Today I toured Aurora Behavioral Health Care’s Tempe location. This three year old facility is beautiful and very well designed to meet the inpatient and outpatient needs of adolescents and adults in the East Valley. Aurora Behavioral is the largest voluntary psychiatric hospital system in...

The Naked Truth May 8th, 2013

by Geneen Roth, www.geneenroth.com Back in the last century, I weighed almost twice as much as I do now—and I desperately wanted to be thin. So desperately that if a genie had appeared (and I’m not exactly proud of this fact) and offered me one wish, it would have been to...

How Do You Determine the Health of Your Marriage? May 7th, 2013

by www.marriagecounselingblog.com Have you ever considered how to determine how good or healthy your marriage is? There isn’t a lab test or a thermometer that gives you a reading to tell you how you are doing. So, how do people know if their marriage is healthy or not? Unfortunately, for some...

What will happen to me if I violate a DOT drug & alcohol rule? May 3rd, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Below you will find information taken from the United States Department of Transportation website (www.dot.gov) regarding Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance (www.dot.gov/odapc) for DOT employees (www.dot.gov/odapc/employee). I am a SAP and am available to assist DOT employees in need of evaluation, counseling, prescription &...

Daughters of Unloving Mothers: 7 Common Wounds May 1st, 2013

by Peg Streep in Tech Support. Article from www.psychologytoday.com Taking stock is often the first step in healing. In the years since I researched and wrote Mean Mothers, I’ve talked to women about our shared experiences. Every woman’s story is different, of course; perhaps the greatest commonality is the discovery that each of us is...

SAD in the summer? Sunshine depression rare, but real Apr 30th, 2013

Article by Cari Nierenberg from http://bodyodd.nbcnews.com/ Many of us can hardly wait for summer to arrive, but a small number of people are much happier when it’s over. You’ve no doubt heard of Seasonal AffectiveDisorder, the wintertime mood disorder — but some get SAD in the summer. As hot weather approaches, those with...

But my Physician prescribed them… A look at Pill Addiction Apr 24th, 2013

By Brooke R. Tangen Huus, MA AC/ESS Counselor Article from www.valleyhope.org Addiction Recovery: Unfortunately pill addiction is becoming more and more predominate in today’s society. There are many complexities that are contributing to this uprising and concern today and both the why and how can it be prevented. According to the...

10 Tips to Help You Deal with Your Ex Apr 18th, 2013

I found this article by Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. on www.psychologytoday.com. It really gives some good tips on dealing with an ex. Holding on to anger and resentment will bring everyone down. Most of us have at least one former partner in our lives. Sometimes these relationships are smooth and sometimes the lines between ex...

Coping with Horrific News Apr 16th, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Sadness fills my heart as I think about the participants who were victimized in the bombings today in Boston. As a country, since 9/11, we have experienced one major tragedy after the next. It is easy to become desensitized, numb and closed off emotionally from the reality of the...

Helping Children After a Natural Disaster: Information for Parents and Teachers Apr 12th, 2013

Article from: www.nasponline.org by Philip J. Lazarus, NCSP, Florida International UniversityShane R. Jimerson, NCSP, University of California, Santa BarbaraStephen E. Brock, NCSP, California State University, Sacramento PDF version Natural disasters can be especially traumatic for children and youth. Experiencing a dangerous or violent flood, storm, or earthquake is frightening even for...

6 Tips for What to Do When You Feel Exhausted by Life Apr 10th, 2013

Article from: http://www.psychologytoday.com/ by Alice Boyes, Ph.D. in Practice Six tips to help you feel better when you feel exhausted by life. Here are six tips to help you feel better when you feel overwhelmed by stress and exhausted by life. 1. Avoid the “Belief in a Just World” Trap. “Belief in a just world” is...

Factors that Make a Difference in Marital Success Apr 9th, 2013

Article from: http://strongermarriage.org/ by Thomas R. Lee, PhDDepartment of Family and Human DevelopmentUtah State University Most couples enter into marriage expecting to succeed. They look at the divorce statistics and believe those figures won’t apply to them. And yet, somewhere between 40 and 50 percent of those marrying today will become...

How to find the BEST Therapist for you Apr 5th, 2013

Seven tips on finding the best therapist for you. Published on February 15, 2011 by Tracey Cleantis, LMFT in Freudian Sip Article from: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/freudian-sip The first time I went to therapy, my parents chose a psychotherapist quickly (an easier decision than which mechanic they took their car to). The way they found this nutter-butter-can-of-cashews was that...

Resources, Links and Referrals Apr 3rd, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Having resources, links and referrals available during tough times can be critical to helping an individual attain the help they need. With the internet the way it is today, luckily such resources are available at any time to offer an opportunity to research and gain...

Newly Born, and Withdrawing From Painkillers Apr 2nd, 2013

Article & photo from: http://www.nytimes.com/ By ABBY GOODNOUGH and KATIE ZEZIMA Published: April 9, 2011 A nurse administered methadone to Matthew, 4 weeks old, at a medical center in Bangor, Me., while he was held by his father. BANGOR, Me. — The mother got the call in the middle of the night: her 3-day-old...

Growing Concerns over the Use of Molly Mar 29th, 2013

Article from: www.theriversource.org If you’ve heard those around you talking about Molly, but you have yet to meet her, it may be that there is no real Molly after all. With posters asking “Where is molly?” and the speculation over Madonna’s concert last year when she asked, “How many people...

Being a good therapist and being a good parent require the same skills Mar 27th, 2013

Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. in Compassion Matters Being a good parent is like being a good therapist. The qualities that are manifested by a good parent are the same as those that are characteristic of a good therapist. This is because parents and therapists are involved in a similar pursuit: supporting and encouraging...

Grief and Loss Support Network for Parents who have lost their Child to Addiction Mar 25th, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Offering parents a safe place to grieve the loss of their child to drug or alcohol addiction can be so important in their healing process. Strategies for Success has an ongoing support group for parent(s) who have lost a child to drug or alcohol addiction....

Balancing Work & the Kids’ Spring Break Mar 22nd, 2013

by Lorraine C. Ladish Living in Florida, I kind of dread spring break. My beloved beach, where I go running to unwind after a hard day of work, is out of bounds for the entire month of March. Partying spring-breakers lie on the sand, surf the waves and mingle in bars,...

Strategies for Success in the San Tan Sun News Mar 18th, 2013

If you pick up the March 16th issue of the San Tan Sun News you will find Strategies for Success ‘Doing Business’ profile on page 19. You can also download a digital .pdf copy here: http://www.santansun.com/pdfs/031613/3.16.2013STSNAllLO.pdf

Support Groups and Educational Seminars offer Strategies for Success in Chandler Mar 11th, 2013

[Chandler, AZ] Strategies for Success is pleased to announce that it now offers Educational and Informational group learning Seminars and Support Networks in its Chandler-based offices. “Seminars are a wonderful way to gain confidence in the area of focus that you attend,” says Strategies for Success founder Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP....

About Group Therapy Mar 8th, 2013

By MICHAEL HERKOV, PH.D Group therapy provides psychotherapy treatment in a format where there is typically one therapist and six to twelve participants with related problems. Sometimes a therapist may recommend group therapy over individual psychotherapy for a variety of reasons. It may be that the group format is better suited for the...

Substance Abuse & Your Teen Seminar Mar 5th, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Are you concerned that your teenager may be experimenting in drugs or alcohol? Learn what’s out there right now that many teens may be exposed to. With modern technology, information is so readily available teens and parents have a naive sense of security and safety...

Reflections on Love Feb 16th, 2013

By Lisa M. Vallejos, MA, LPC, NCC, Existential Psychotherapy Topic Expert Contributor February 14 provokes many feelings in people throughout the world. For some, it is the official day of romance. For others, it’s a commercial holiday, one more way for consumers to be exploited. Others experience this day as a painful reminder...

Death in the Workplace Feb 14th, 2013

Dealing With the Death of a Co-Worker By Dawn Rosenberg McKay, About.com Guide The death of a colleague leaves both a personal and professional void in a workplace. We spend many hours of our lives with our co-workers. We form relationships with them, even if those relationships consist of merely saying hello as...

Strategies for Success Seminars Feb 12th, 2013

Strategies for Success is now offering multi-session seminars designed to educate and inform through group learning and support networks. Register online at saptherapist.com/seminars.

Watch Out, is that a DUI on your record, can I keep my job? Feb 8th, 2013

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP at Strategies for Success Here in Arizona, we have some of the toughest DUI laws in the nation. Getting a DUI is a very serious act, and is far more common than one may think. A DUI on your record will affect your job if your company has...

Treating postpartum depression Feb 6th, 2013

By Melissa Lee Phillips Psychotherapy, rather than medication, should be the first line of treatment, research suggests. After Christina Hibbert gave birth to her first child 14 years ago, she knew something was wrong. “I felt like I was the only one who could take care of him,” she says....

8 Things to Do After a Lay-off Feb 4th, 2013

by Alisha Tillery You’ve been working on a job you either love, hate, or feel indifferently about when you find out you’re being laid off. What happens then? Jobseekers are unemployed for an average of nine months, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Finding a job can...

How to Report Drug Abuse in the Workplace Jan 29th, 2013

By Juanita King, eHow.com Contributor There is evidence of drug abuse when a coworker comes to work smelling of liquor, makes too many trips to the restroom or smells of marijuana during work hours. Another indicator that an employee abuses drugs is arriving to work late with a litany of...

What makes them relapse? Jan 22nd, 2013

What makes them relapse? RIA research teams look to literature on addictive behavior Published: April 20, 2006 By KATHLEEN WEAVERReporter Contributor Two research teams at UB’s Research Institute on Addictions recently explored the scientific literature focusing on relapse to addictive behavior. The first team reviewed studies of relapse to driving under...

My New Boss has Asperger Syndrome Jan 17th, 2013

BY: Leslie Ayres, The Job Search Guru Tips and insights for working with the special gifts and limitations of Aspies in the workplace. A friend of mine is a scientist and just began working in a new job where she says that her biggest challenge is that her new boss has...

Teaching Teens about the Emotional Aspect of Intimate Relationships Jan 15th, 2013

by Esther Boykin, MFT We are all familiar with the public service announcements encouraging parents to talk to their children about drugs and alcohol, internet safety, and sex. I even saw one recently about safe driving habits like not texting or eating behind the wheel. But have you ever wondered...

4 Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Relationships Jan 10th, 2013

By Dr. Rachna Jain One main facet of social media is its emphasis on creating and maintaining relationships. All the content you create, all the following you build, each of these is designed to create and foster more intimate relationships with people, in some cases, people you might not have met any...

Shoppers Use ‘Retail Therapy’ to Ward Off Stress Dec 26th, 2012

By: Jeanette Mulvey, BusinessNewsDaily Managing Editor  Perhaps you’ve heard a friend say they’re headed out for a little “retail therapy” and thought they were being a tad dramatic. As it turns out, people really do shop to relieve stress. And, it’s not just after a stressful event that people tend to hit...

Fa-La-La: How to get along with difficult family members over the holidays Dec 25th, 2012

By Dr. Lawana R. Lofton, PsyD How do you get along with difficult family members? Of course we love [ all ] of our relatives, right? Even the relationships with in-laws, but sometimes getting along with everyone during the holidays is not an easy task. Communication expert, Sandra A. Crowe, MA., author...

Commentary on the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Dec 22nd, 2012

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP, Strategies for Success In light of the mass shooting last Friday, I feel it is important first to acknowledge the tremendous loss that not only has been felt within the affected community of Sandy Hook, but for all of the moms and dads out across the...

Holiday Party Planning in the Diverse Workplace Dec 20th, 2012

By Heidi LaFleche, Monster Contributing Writer Holiday party planning can get dicey when companies add diversity to their merrymaking mix. How do you appeal to all without leaving someone out in the cold? “Put the emphasis on celebrating,” advises workplace diversity consultant Sondra Thiederman, PhD, author of Making Diversity Work, founder of Cross-Cultural Communications...

7 Tips For Beating The Holiday Blues Dec 18th, 2012

by Lisa Angelettie MSW, www.girlshrink.com I’m sure you can feel in coming on like clockwork. Much like a seasonal cold or flu, except it feels worse and it comes every year – The Holiday Blues.Feeling depressed during the holidays is not unusual for people who feel stressed by the upcoming dinners, parties, shopping,...

How to Deal With Personal Issues at Work Dec 14th, 2012

by Dawn Rosenberg McKay, About.com Guide Personal issues including family problems, life changing situations, emotional difficulties, illness, and even one’s sexual orientation, can impact your job and ultimately your ability to advance your career. Try as you might to keep your private life separate from your work life, inevitably one may begin to run...

I’m confused when looking for a new therapist, what’s the difference? Dec 14th, 2012

I’m confused when looking for a new therapist, what’s the difference? Masters, PhD, Md, DO or Psych NP? by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP What is the Difference between all of these different credentials? I cannot tell you how many times clients have asked me what the differences are between the...

Detox and Rehab Dec 10th, 2012

by Beth Aileen Lameman What is detox and rehab?Detox describes the cleansing that happens to your body when you stop an addiction or compulsion. The best way to successfully detox is to join a Rehab program, which is usually done in a rehabilitation or treatment center. Your experience will vary...

Are you Frustrated with Life! Don’t let your frustrations hold you back! Dec 8th, 2012

Written by Larry Lewis My life sucks and I’m sick and tired of watching it pass me by. I’ve never been so frustrated with life as I am now and I just want to get out of this rut. I hate, hate, hate my life. I’m just so fed up of...

Love and Romance in the Workplace Dec 6th, 2012

by Harvey Meyer www.businessknowhow.com Romance in the workplace is nothing new, and neither are the problems that can result. But not all workplace romances cause problems, and in many cases they actually improve productivity and morale. So how should your business handle this touchy subject? Here are some guidelines to...

Co-Parenting After Divorce Dec 4th, 2012

by Sam Margulies in Divorce for Grownups Co-parenting after divorce has become an increasingly attractive and sought after arrangement. In contrast to the conventional sole custody in which the mother typically has all the responsibility for the children, co-parenting emphasizes an equal (or nearly equal) role for fathers. Co-parenting fathers have the children with them...

Working a DOT Job – what does that mean for me? Dec 1st, 2012

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP DOT is short for the Federal Department of Transportation. If you are considering a position in any of the 6 areas of DOT, such as Airline Industry, Transportation, ie trucking, Bus Driver or in the Train System, you need to make sure you are able...

Working Smart Nov 29th, 2012

by Dr. John C. Maxwell Being successful is not about how hard you work – it’s about how smart you work. Michael LeBoef said, “Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal of yourself to nothing.” In a leader’s life, there’s a big difference between activity and...

Organized Habits Nov 26th, 2012

by Charlotte Steill, www.simplyputorganizing.com Habits are behavioral routines that occur subconsciously. One way to remove a bad habit is to eliminate it’s triggers (change your routine) or add a reminder to do things differently (a bright post it note to yourself). Most homes I work in have one thing in common....

The Empty Shell – Dealing with those feelings now that you are sober Nov 24th, 2012

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP For those who never use may not understand what the attraction to substance abuse is. For many it is an escape from seemingly unbearable symptoms of anxiety, depression or other psychological symptoms. Often, it is a form of self-medicaton of symptoms the person does not...

Rise Above the Fray: How to Deal With Difficult People at Work Nov 22nd, 2012

By Susan M. Heathfield, About.com Guide Difficult people do exist at work. They come in every variety and no workplace is without them. How difficult a person is for you to deal with depends on your self-esteem, your self-confidence and your professional courage. Dealing with difficult people is easier when the...

20 Anger Management Tips Nov 20th, 2012

by Julia Barnard, Counsellor & Author at makethechange.com.au The term ‘anger management’ is used to acknowledge that anger is an inevitable, natural human emotion. It is not about getting rid of anger; rather it is about dealing with those emotions so you can express your anger more productively. Consider the following tips and...

Balancing Work and Family: I know, you never knew it would be so hard!! Nov 17th, 2012

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Ughh, the baby has a fever, Riley has to bring snacks for her Girl Scout Meeting that you completely forgot about until today! And, you’ve got your boss sending you e-mails every hour asking you about how that report is coming along because they really...

Expert Parenting Tips for Parents in Recovery Nov 14th, 2012

Posted by Elements Behavioral Health As addicts, we like to believe that our behaviors only damage ourselves. What we do is nobody else’s business. But this is a delusion crafted by the disease of addiction. In reality, our behaviors affect friends, relatives, co-workers and everyone we come into contact with. And...

Parenting Responsibilities: 10 Things You Are (and Aren’t) Responsible for as a Parent Nov 13th, 2012

by Sara Bean, M.Ed. These days, we’re bombarded with mixed messages about how to parent “the right way.” It’s easy to buy into advice from the media, relatives, and other parents and start to worry that we’re doing something wrong. Part of the reason this is happening is because adults, just...

How Depression Affects all Stages of Life, Childhood through Adulthood Nov 9th, 2012

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP Depression is a mysterious thing. In younger children and pre-teens, the child does not appear to be depressed typically, but irritable, unmotivated and seemingly disrespectful. As the body grows into adulthood and the shift from concrete thought processes to more abstract thinking occurs, people can...

Workplace Depression Nov 7th, 2012

By SCOTT WALLACE, PH.D., R.PSYCH. Workplace depression is an area of increasing concern. When an employee is depressed, it can affect not only that employee’s productivity and happiness, but the entire mood of his or her co-workers and their productivity too. Luckily, depression in the workplace is not inevitable or hopeless. Steps can...

Treating for Depression Can Prevent Teen Drug Abuse Nov 5th, 2012

By JANICE WOOD Associate News EditorReviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on June 5, 2012 Treating adolescents for depression can reduce their chances of abusing drugs later on, new research has found. Researchers at Duke University found that only 10 percent of 192 adolescents whose depression receded after 12 weeks of treatment later abused...

Substance Use and Depression Nov 2nd, 2012

Depression and Substance Abuse People with depression may turn to drugs or alcohol to medicate their pain. By Dennis Thompson Jr. Medically reviewed by Christine Wilmsen Craig, MD Mood disorders like depression and substance abuse go together so frequently that doctors have coined a term for it: dual diagnosis. People who have suffered recent...

Different Clients, Different Solutions Oct 31st, 2012

by Elizabeth Rahamim, LCSW, SAP It is interesting how referrals come into the practice. Ironically, I always seem to get clusters of clients who are facing very similar issues at a given time. Last summer, I saw quite a few teens who were suffering from the disease of Substance Dependence. After the...

Significance of REM Sleep in Depression: Effects on Neurogenesis Oct 24th, 2012

Significance of REM Sleep in Depression: Effects on Neurogenesis by Laura Palagini*1, Angelo Gemignani2 and Mario Guazzelli1 1Department of Psychiatry, Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Biotechnology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy School of Medicine, Via Roma 67 Pisa 56100, Italy 2Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Pisa, Extreme Centre, Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna...

Link Between REM Sleep and Depression Oct 23rd, 2012

Press Release from: University of Rochester The search for the genetic roots of depression has led scientists to the bedroom, where they’ve discovered that people with a particular type of sleep pattern and a family history of depression are twice as likely to become depressed as relatives who don’t sleep...

Insomnia & Depression: Bedfellows Oct 19th, 2012

Article By Psychology Today Sleep disturbances are a hallmark of depression, but insomnia can actually unleash the mood disorder. Treating sleep disturbances might help prevent depressive episodes. By Hara Estroff Marano Sleep disturbances and unipolar depression are such intransigent bedfellows that troubled sleep is considered a hallmark of the mood disorder....

Article: Self Esteem and Anxiety in Teens Sep 13th, 2012

When people ask me, who do I see in my practice, it seems to go in cycles. Lately, I have been seeing a lot of teens for a whole host of issues, mainly surrounding the issue of anxiety. With so many pressures within social, academic and family realms, it kind of seems...

Find SFS and More at Chandler.com Sep 8th, 2012

I am delighted to announce that Strategies for Success has been profiled on Chandler.com at http://www.chandler.com/story/Strategies-for-Success/1289267. In addition, it is a pretty great resource for finding other local businesses of all kinds.

BAD BEHAVIOR: 5 Things You Can (and Can’t) Control Sep 8th, 2012

I recently received this article from a school counselor and am posting it for its great insight for you parents. This is good feedback regarding managing resistance from the younger set in the house. -Elizabeth “What can you do when your child just refuses to get up and go to...

Therapist(s) Wanted! Jul 24th, 2012

We are already expanding our award-wining practice! Strategies for Success is looking to hire licensed therapist(s) for evening and weekend hours in a private practice setting, and to be on call for Critical Incident Stress Debriefing’s (CISD). Employee Assistance Program (EAP) experience is a plus, and Substance Abuse assessment skills...

Best of Chandler Award 2012 May 28th, 2012

Wow, I am grateful to announce that I was nominated for the Best of Chandler Award for 2012 for Mental Health Services category from and won! Thank you to whomever nominated me. I take very seriously what I do and strive to provide the best services possible when working with my clients....

Welcome to Strategies for Success! Apr 23rd, 2012

Hello and welcome! I am thrilled to be posting on my Blog for the first time! I have recently moved my office to South Chandler, with the expectation that I will be meeting a great need for counseling services in the South Chandler community. My current caseload is about 60%...